Server boilerplate


Source code
A starter repo for FastAPI, using Fern

Latest version: 0.7.7

The FastAPI generator generates types and networking logic for your FastAPI server. This saves you time and add compile-time safety that you are serving the exact API that you specified in your API Definition.

Available on the open source plan.

What Fern generates

  • Pydantic models for your API types
  • Exceptions that you can throw for non-200 responses
  • Abstract classes for you to define your business logic
  • All the networking/HTTP logic to call your API

Adding the FastAPI generator

1- name: fernapi/fern-fastapi-server
2 version: 0.7.7
3 output:
4 location: local-file-system
5 path: ../generated/server-boilerplate/fastapi

Example server

Venus is a FastAPI microservice in production that manages Fern’s auth (i.e. users, organizations, tokens).

Demo Video

Getting started

Let’s walk through the Fern FastAPI Starter.

Step 1: Define the API

2 auth: false
3 base-path: /movies
4 endpoints:
5 getMovie:
6 method: GET
7 path: /{movieId}
8 path-parameters:
9 movieId: MovieId
10 response: Movie
11 errors:
12 - MovieDoesNotExistError
15 MovieId: string
17 Movie:
18 properties:
19 id: MovieId
20 title: string
21 rating:
22 type: double
23 docs: The rating scale is one to five stars
25 CreateMovieRequest:
26 properties:
27 title: string
28 rating: double
31 MovieDoesNotExistError:
32 status-code: 404
33 type: MovieId

Step 2: Run fern generate

This generates all the boilerplate code into generated/.

$$ fern generate
>[api]: fernapi/fern-fastapi-starter Downloaded to backend/src/fern_fastapi_starter/api/generated
>│ ✓ fernapi/fern-fastapi-server

Step 3: Implement the server

Notice you only need to provide the business logic. Just implement the function, and Fern takes care of the rest.

1from .generated.fern import AbstractMoviesService, Movie, MovieDoesNotExistError, MovieId
3class MoviesService(AbstractMoviesService):
4 def get_movie(self, *, movie_id: str) -> Movie:
5 if movie_id == "titanic":
6 return Movie(
7 id=MovieId.from_str("titantic"),
8 title="Titanic",
9 rating=9.8,
10 )
11 raise MovieDoesNotExistError(MovieId.from_str(movie_id))

And register your endpoints with Fern, which registers them with FastAPI under the hood:

1from fastapi import FastAPI
3from .generated.fern.register import register
4from .movies_service import MoviesService
6app = FastAPI()
8register(app, imdb=MoviesService())

Step 4: Compile

The type checker will warn you if you make mistakes implementing your API:

Invalid return value

If you change the signature of the endpoint method, you’ll get an error:

Invalid signature

You can use the command line to check for compile errors:

$$ poetry run mypy
>Success: no issues found in 24 source files

Step 5: Run the server

$$ poetry run start
>INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
>INFO: Started reloader process [32816] using StatReload
>INFO: Started server process [32829]
>INFO: Waiting for application startup.
>INFO: Application startup complete.

Step 6: Hit the API 🚀

$$ curl --location --request GET --silent 'localhost:8080/movies/titanic' | jq .
> "id": "titantic",
> "title": "Titanic",
> "rating": 9.8
>$ curl --location --request GET --silent 'localhost:8080/movies/oceans-11' | jq .
> "error": "MovieDoesNotExistError",
> "errorInstanceId": "f6e1d69c-bf97-42d5-bc89-5e42773e3880",
> "content": "oceans-11"